Bahrain City guide and Travel information brought to you by, Information for Bahrain visitors, Restaurants, Sights to see, shopping, Festivals, Transportation… for more information visit:
Bahrain City guide and Travel information brought to you by, Information for Bahrain visitors, Restaurants, Sights to see, shopping, Festivals, Transportation… for more information visit:
my country
Larry Wilson
Bahrain was my first duty station when I got out of my Navy A school. I wish I had taken more of an opportunity to see more of it. When I was there, it was considered one of the more liberal countries in the region. I can only imagine that that’s changed somewhat over the past 20+ years since I’ve been there.
Laila Durazi
Bahrain is the voice of victory.
ben wood
+Ian Berry +
I was expecting Snoop Dogg to jump out and start rapping about trees with that music going on in the background,
Diaz Bunga
I want go to bahrain,i like……bahrain very good
Maybe you people at “irhaltravel’s channel” should educate yourselves before making a video. Its PERSIAN GULF, and it’s been identified as PERSIAN GULF for thousands of years and recognized by UN twice. STOP YOUR BS PROPAGANDA AND EDUCATE YOUR SELF
Malik Al-Ziyadi
That’s true it is the Persian gulf
Heydar Lotfi
Exactly my friend,indeed this has been an established fact internationally,on maps,atlas,etc~for countless century upon century!.Persian Gulf`> end of fucking story.Jealous people out there conjuring fake names and places up in their head haha.
Naresh Mistry
Pasargad and
Bahrain’s Crown Prince has blood under his robes from massacring unarmed protesters in his own country. Growing up he was known to routinely molest his extended family members. During those early formative years of violating others he realized that he was free to violate anyone. Coward Princess. ******Everyone but CNN reports on this because the Bahrain government actually pays to advertise on CNN.******
Travis Russo
+children of the light hes actually correct by uncovered spy investigations
Putri Vampire
i miss bahrain
i want to go back
Travis Russo
+Unnie kha said, no one ever lol
golden rose
Putri Vampire Me too
Chipmunken Beatz
my granddad was a businessman in Bahrain.
+Water Law and?
Awais tanoli Awais
so nice
tengku_ayati Ibrahim
I from Qatar
Flight Departure
I love bahrain i live in dammam but i like bahrain i want to go bahrain
Da Vinci Cosmetics
can wait to visit Bahrain
Augustus Makana
Youseph Mohammadi
PERSIAN GULF honey, research and update your knowledge before making it public
الجزائر عربية
Youseph Mohammadey arabien gulf
Everything is in sandy brown colour.
The Hyperlapser
Video music please?
قحطاني ناصر
كريم رجال الصحراء هو العلاج الطبيعي للتخلص من المشاكل الجنسية ك قضيب صغير و ضعف الانتصاب و القذف السريع للاستفادة من المنتج يرجى التواصل مع الطبيب المالكي مصطفى على الواتساب00212689611487
خلطة رجال الصحراء هو منتج طبيعي وكل مكوناته طبيعيه ١٠٠٪ ولا يتسبب أي أثار جانيه امن تماما.
خلطة رجال الصحراء هو العلاج الأكثر مبيعا في دول العالم عامة وفي الشرق الأوسط خاصة بسبب لنجاحه مع كل العملاء اللذين استخدموه
كريم رجال الصحراء منتج مرخص من هيئة الغذاء والدواء
فوائد كريم رجال الصحراء
1-يحفز على تكبير القضيب
2-مفيد لي تأخير القذف
3-يقوي على لانتصاب
لا تترددوا وغيروا حياتكم للأفضل…
نحن نرسل الخلطة لجميع دول الخليج و دول العالم